window.mrcFormConfig_mrcRDCFlow = { "type" : "wizard", "inputs" : { "form_version" : { "type" : "hidden", "value" : "default" }, "_token" : { "type" : "hidden", "id" : "csrf_token", "value" : CSRF_TOKEN, }, "ab_mrc_variation" : { "type" : "hidden" }, "routing_campaign" : { "type" : "hidden", "value" : "Flow" }, "ua" : { "type" : "hidden" }, "utm_source" : { "type" : "hidden" }, "utm_medium" : { "type" : "hidden" }, "utm_term" : { "type" : "hidden" }, "utm_content" : { "type" : "hidden" }, "utm_campaign" : { "type" : "hidden" }, "leadid_token" : { "type" : "hidden", "id" : "leadid_token" }, "phone_validation_score" : { "type" : "hidden" }, "email_validation_score" : { "type" : "hidden" }, "mortgage_id" : { "type" : "hidden", "id" : "mortgage_id", "value" : "" }, "loan_type" : { "label" : "Get Pre-Approved", "description" : "Connect with a lender who can help you with pre-approval.", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "P" , "I want to buy a home" ], [ "R" , "I want to refinance my home" ] ], "value" : "P" }, "property_search" : { "label" : "Where are you looking to buy?", "description" : "City or Zip Code", "type" : "text", "invalidMsg" : "Please enter a valid location.", "placeholder" : "City or Zip Code", "attr" : "autocomplete=\"off\"", "value" : MORTGAGE_ADDR, "required" : true }, "property_zip" : { "type" : "hidden", "value" : MORTGAGE_ZIP }, "property_state" : { "type" : "hidden", "invalidMsg" : "Please enter a valid location.", "value" : MORTGAGE_STATE }, "property_city" : { "type" : "hidden" }, "property_type" : { "label" : "What type of property?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "single" , "Single Family" ], [ "townhome" , "Town Home" ], [ "condominium" , "Condominium" ], [ "multifamily" , "Multi-Family" ], [ "manufactured" , "Mobile / Manufactured" ], [ "new construction" , "New Construction" ], [ "other" , "Other" ] ] }, "manufactured_own" : { "label" : "Will you own or rent the land your home is on?", "description" : "Your lender will use this information to determine what kind of loan is right for you.", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "own" , "Own" ], [ "rent" , "Rent" ] ] }, "property_value" : { "label" : "What is your price range?", "description": "Use the slider to select the price range of homes you're interested in (it's OK to estimate)", "type" : "number_slider", "required" : true, "min" : 50000, "max" : 2000001, "value" : 250000, "step" : [ [0 , 10000], [200000 , 50000], [1000000 , 250000] ], "onChange" : "purchaseSlider", "attr" : "readonly=\"readonly\"" }, "down_payment_pct" : { "label" : "How much do you have for a down payment?", "description": "(It's OK to estimate)", "type" : "number_slider", "required" : true, "min" : 0, "max" : 100, "step" : 1, "value" : 20, "onChange" : "downpaymentSlider", "attr" : "readonly=\"readonly\"" }, "down_payment_pct_tt" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "
How Down Payments Work

A down payment is the primary upfront mortgage payment. Requirements and amounts vary depending on the type of home loan.

The amount of cash you have available for a down payment will help the lender evaluate your options and determine your next steps.

\">Why do you ask for this?
" }, "purchase_status" : { "label" : "Where are you in the home buying process?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "SignedContract" , "Signed a purchase contract" ], [ "FoundHome" , "Found a home" ], [ "1Month" , "Looking to buy within one month" ], [ "1To3Months" , "Looking to buy in 1 to 3 months" ], [ "Over3Months" , "Looking to buy in more than 3 months" ] ] }, "refi_balance" : { "label" : "What is the balance of your first mortgage?", "description": "(It's OK to estimate)", "type" : "number_slider", "required" : true, "min" : 50000, "max" : 2000001, "value" : 250000, "step" : [ [0 , 10000], [200000 , 50000], [1000000 , 250000] ], "onChange" : "refiBalanceSlider", "attr" : "readonly=\"readonly\"" }, "refi_rate" : { "label" : "What is the interest rate of your first mortgage?", "description": "(It's OK to estimate)", "type" : "number_slider", "required" : true, "min" : 0, "max" : 20, "step" : 0.125, "value" : 4, "onChange" : "refiRateSlider", "attr" : "readonly=\"readonly\"" }, "refi_second_mortgage" : { "label" : "Do you have a second mortgage?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "Y" , "Yes" ], [ "N" , "No" ] ] }, "refi_borrow" : { "label" : "How much additional cash do you wish to borrow?", "description": "(It's OK to estimate)", "type" : "number_slider", "required" : true, "min" : 50000, "max" : 2000001, "value" : 250000, "step" : [ [0 , 10000], [200000 , 50000], [1000000 , 250000] ], "onChange" : "refiBorrowSlider", "attr" : "readonly=\"readonly\"" }, "property_use" : { "label" : "How do you plan to use your new home?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "Primary" , "Primary Residence" ], [ "Vacation" , "Vacation Property" ], [ "Investment" , "Investment Property" ] ] }, "connect_with_realtor" : { "label" : "Would you like to be connected with a local real estate professional?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "Y" , "Yes" ], [ "N" , "No" ] ] }, "military" : { "label" : "Have you or your spouse served in the US military?", "description" : "Veterans and active US military may be eligible for a $0 down VA loan.", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "Y" , "Yes" ], [ "N" , "No" ] ] }, "military_tt" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "
Advantages for Military Homebuyers

The VA Home Loan is option available to eligible U.S. Veterans, service members and select military spouses.

Benefits include:

VA Loans are issued by private, qualified lenders and guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. When you complete the form, you will be connected with a VA-approved lender.

\">Why do you ask for this?
" }, "military_branch" : { "label" : "What is your (or your spouse's) branch of military service?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "Army" , "Army" ], [ "Marine" , "Marine Corps" ], [ "Navy" , "Navy" ], [ "Air" , "Air Force" ], [ "Coast" , "Coast Guard" ], [ "National" , "National Guard" ], [ "Spouse" , "Military Spouse" ], [ "Other" , "Other VA Eligibility" ], [ "Civilian" , "No Military Experience" ] ] }, "real_estate_agent" : { "label" : "Are you actively working with a real estate agent?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "N" , "No" ], [ "Y" , "Yes" ] ] }, "purchase_first" : { "label" : "Is this your first time purchasing a home?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "N" , "No" ], [ "Y" , "Yes" ] ] }, "credit_rating" : { "label" : "What is your credit score?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ ["Excellent" , "Excellent (720+)"], ["Good" , "Good (680 to 719)"], ["Fair" , "Fair (620 to 679)"], ["Poor" , "Poor (619 and below)"] ] }, "credit_rating_tt" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "
Credit Score Requirements

Your credit score is one of the most important factors involved in qualifying for a home loan. Minimum credit score requirements vary depending on the lender and other factors.

\">Why do you ask for this?
" }, "bankruptcy" : { "label" : "Have you had a bankruptcy or foreclosure in the past 3 years?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "Y" , "Yes" ], [ "N" , "No" ] ] }, "bankruptcy_tt" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "
Mortgages & Bankruptcies

Qualifying for a loan after bankruptcy is certainly possible. Waiting periods and other guidelines can vary depending on the type of loan, the lender and more.

\">Why do you ask for this?
" }, "income_verify" : { "label" : "Can you verify your income?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "Y" , "Yes" ], [ "N" , "No" ] ] }, "loan_rate_type" : { "label" : "What type of loan are you interested in?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "Fixed" , "Fixed" ], [ "Adjustable" , "Adjustable" ], [ "Any" , "Fixed or Adjustable" ] ] }, "loan_rate_type_tt" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "
Difference between fixed and adjustable rate mortgages

Fixed Rate

Fixed rate mortgages have an interest rate that is set at the time the loan is created. This rate does not change throughout the duration of the loan.

Adjustable Rate

Adjustable rate mortgages, also known as ARMs, have an interest rate that may go up or down throughout the duration of the loan.

\">What do these mean?
" }, "employment_status" : { "label" : "What is your current employment status?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "employed" , "Employed" ], [ "self employed" , "Self-Employed/1099 Independent Contractor" ], [ "retired" , "Retired" ] ] }, "employment_status_tt" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "
Importance of Employment Status

Your past and present employment status can influence whether you qualify for a mortgage. Lenders will take a look at your unique employment situation as part of the mortgage application process.

\">Why do you ask for this?
" }, "gross_income" : { "label" : "What is your household gross (before taxes) annual income?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "30000" , "Less than $30,000" ], [ "50000" , "$30,000 - $50,000" ], [ "75000" , "$50,000 - $75,000" ], [ "100000" , "$75,000 - $100,000" ], [ "100001" , "Greater than $100,000" ] ] }, "late_payments" : { "label" : "Have you had any late payments in the past year?", "type" : "radio", "required" : true, "options" : [ [ "None" , "None" ], [ "One" , "One" ], [ "TwoOrMore" , "Two or more" ] ] }, "address_label" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "
Personal Details
", "description" : "This information is so that one or more loan professionals can contact you about your mortgage needs.", }, "email" : { "label" : "Email", "type" : "email", "required" : true, "invalidMsg" : "Please enter a valid email address.", "doNotTrack" : true, "attr" : "maxlength=\"60\"" }, "phone" : { "label" : "Phone", "type" : "tel", "required" : true, "placeholder" : "( ) - ", "invalidMsg" : "Please enter a valid phone number.", "doNotTrack" : true }, "address_1" : { "label" : "Address", "type" : "text", "required" : true, "invalidMsg" : "Please enter your current address.", "doNotTrack" : true, "attr" : "maxlength=\"40\"" }, "name_label" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "
What is your name?
" }, "first_name" : { "label" : "First Name", "type" : "text", "required" : true, "invalidMsg" : "Please enter your first name.", "doNotTrack" : true, "attr" : "maxlength=\"25\"" }, "last_name" : { "label" : "Last Name", "type" : "text", "required" : true, "invalidMsg" : "Please enter your last name.", "doNotTrack" : true, "attr" : "maxlength=\"25\"" }, "state_unavailable_notice" : { "type" : "hidden", "required" : true }, "state_unavailable_notice_html" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "
New York Homebuyers:

Due to licensing restrictions, we are unable to receive mortgage inquiries through this site for the state of New York. Please click the button below to complete your request with our partner Mortgage Research Center.

Continue on" }, "affordability_calc_header_html" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "
Get pre-approved by a lender
" }, "affordability_calc_personal_details_html" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "
Provide a few more details
" }, "affordability_calc_confirm_details_html" : { "type" : "html", "content" : "
Confirm your information
" }, "down_payment" : { "label" : "Down Payment", "required" : true, "invalidMsg" : "Please enter a valid down payment.", "type" : "currency", "attr" : "size=\"9\" maxlength=\"9\" pattern=\"[0-9]*\"", }, "terms" : { "label" : "", }, }, "order": [ { "title" : "start", "inputs" : [ "form_version", "_token", "ab_mrc_variation", "routing_campaign", "ua", "utm_source", "utm_medium", "utm_term", "utm_content", "utm_campaign", "leadid_token", "loan_type", "mortgage_id" ] }, { "title" : "property_location", "inputs" : [ "property_search", "property_zip", "property_state", "property_city" ] }, { "title" : "name", "inputs" : [ "name_label", "first_name", "last_name" ] }, { "title" : "current_address", "inputs" : [ "address_label", "email", "email_validation_score", "phone", "phone_validation_score", "address_1", ] }, { "title" : "property-type", "inputs" : [ "property_type" ] }, { "title" : "land", "inputs" : [ "manufactured_own" ] }, { "title" : "purchase_status", "inputs" : [ "purchase_status" 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"conditions" : { "loan_type_is_purchase" : { "target" : "loan_type", "operator" : "=", "value" : "P" }, "loan_type_is_refinance" : { "target" : "loan_type", "operator" : "=", "value" : "R" }, "state_is_NY" : { "target" : "property_state", "operator" : "=", "value" : "NY" }, "property_type_is_manufactured" : { "target" : "property_type", "operator" : "=", "value" : "manufactured" }, "borrower_is_military" : { "target" : "military", "operator" : "=", "value" : "Y" }, "property_use_is_primary" : { "target" : "property_use", "operator" : "=", "value" : "Primary" }, "no_military_experience" : { "target" : "military_branch", "operator" : "=", "value" : "Civilian" }, "no_current_agent" : { "target" : "real_estate_agent", "operator" : "=", "value" : "N" }, "is_not_first_purchase" : { "target" : "purchase_first", "operator" : "=", "value" : "N" } }, "rules" : { "toggle_property_search_label": { "condition": "loan_type_is_purchase", "target": "property_search", "action": { "label" : "Where are 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"label" : "What is the estimated value of your property?" } }, "toggle_down_payment_pct" : { "condition" : "loan_type_is_purchase", "target" : "down_payment_pct", "action" : "show", "else" : "hide" }, "toggle_real_estate_agent" : { "condition" : "loan_type_is_purchase", "target" : "real_estate_agent", "action" : "show", "else" : "hide" }, "toggle_connect_with_realtor" : { "condition" : "loan_type_is_purchase && no_current_agent", "target" : "connect_with_realtor", "action" : "show", "else" : "hide" }, "toggle_purchase_status" : { "condition" : "loan_type_is_purchase", "target" : "purchase_status", "action" : "show", "else" : "hide" }, "toggle_refi_balance" : { "condition" : "loan_type_is_refinance", "target" : "refi_balance", "action" : "show", "else" : "hide" }, "toggle_refi_rate" : { "condition" : "loan_type_is_refinance", "target" : "refi_rate", "action" : "show", "else" : "hide" }, "toggle_refi_second_mortgage" : { "condition" : "loan_type_is_refinance", "target" : 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